
Once in a Blue Moon Book Sale

Exhibit Hall

A Once in a Blue Moon Sale
For fifty years we’ve had a different kind of book sale than most, carefully curated into more than 80 different categories. Then came the pandemic and with it the cancellation of the 2020 Dayton Book Fair. But book donations kept pouring in. We know from experience that we can only sell a certain number of books each November– if we bring more books than that, then we only send more books to the recycler at the end of the sale.

Instead, we are having a totally unsearched/unsorted sale on February 19 & 20. As these books were donated they were boxed and sent to storage. No one has been through them. Most of us have no idea what’s even in there. But if our usual donations are any indicators, there are some very nice books to be found. So bring your sense of adventure, your treasure hunting skills, and pick up some great books.

This sale is Just Books. No media, no “tag sale” items, no vinyl, no puzzles. You’ll have to wait for next November’s sale for those. But if you’re looking for books this is your sale. All hardcovers are $2 each. All paperbacks are $1 each. There is a $20 admission wristband for Saturday. Sunday admission is free. Sale hours are 9 am until 7 p.m. We will have some boxes available, but you’d do well to bring some. There may be a reduction in price or bag sale on Sunday afternoon– we’ll have to see how things look.

The sale is at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds, in Building Two. It is heated, and there are restrooms. Food will probably be available. Plenty of parking!